Kingdom of the Sun Community Concert Band 35th Anniversary Concerts
The Kingdom of the Sun Concert Band, Marion County’s exclusive all-volunteer community band, is celebrating their 35th anniversary with concerts on Saturday, February 22nd at 2:00 PM and Sunday, February 23rd at 3:00 PM.
We will be featuring music from our past and present with a nod toward the future, featuring our Conductor Emeritus, Les Muncaster, his wife and vocalist, Marcia Muncaster and our current conductor, J. Craig Lilly. There will be plenty of nostalgia and surprises as we celebrate this milestone! Pre-concert music features Uniqulele, a dynamic and entertaining 5-piece acoustic ensemble.
We will have a matching gift sponsorship from the Adam Hanson Better Communities Fund – all of the monies collected in our donation buckets during the concerts will be matched dollar-for-dollar. This will greatly aid in our tradition of providing admission-free concerts, while we depend on our donors to help with our operational fees of venue rental, music, storage, insurance and safety officers.